Van life travel hacks

Do you love camping and living the van life? The best and simplest advice we can give you is: bring less stuff! We also strongly suggest packing cubes, since large suitcases do not easily fit in areas inside of the van. Search Amazon for “Packing Cubes” and get a differnet color set for each family member!

We Here are some tips we have compiled to help you on your next trip.


Soap Box holder

No more losing your cards on the road!

Shower Caps

Tired of getting mud from your shoes inside of your van? Just bring along some shower caps.

Toilet Paper Roll Fire Starter

Place dryer lint inside of a toilet paper roll and then wrap in paper.

Night light

Use a simple water jug and a headlamp to make a jug lantern

Cake liners & straws

Keep the bugs away from your drinks by using some cup cake liners and a straw.

Pack lighter

Pack lighter by putting clothing or items in your pillowcase with your pillows.