Dreaming About Booking That Solo Van Life trip? Solo Van Life Travel Guide

Guest AUthor: Holly Henry

Dreaming about heading out on an epic van trip? If you’re not already out on the road, what’s something stopping you - time, money, or the worry of traveling solo? While van life is not suited to everyone due to personal commitments, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a taste of the freedom and adventure van life brings. Renting a van is a great way to try this popular lifestyle before making a bigger commitment. 

So you’ve got a long weekend off work, you’ve found a great van to rent (with Wandervans!), but you don’t have anyone to travel with. If you haven’t traveled solo before, it’s understandable why this could be a barrier to booking a van trip. But we’re here to tell you to put aside all the worries you have, and go for it! Traveling solo is awesome and you won’t regret a second of it!

Solo Van Life Travel Guide 

Traveling solo is arguably one of the best ways to travel. We wanted to put together a mini guide about solo travel for anyone who needed a push in the right direction. Make sure to check out our other blogs which have information about dispersed camping and packing tips.

3 ways to prepare for a solo van trip:

  1. Have a rough plan of your itinerary

    Even if you want to be spontaneous and you don’t want to plan every single day of your trip, it’s good to have a rough idea of where you’re headed. It means you can easily estimate driving distances, consider any pre-book permits, and most importantly, give your loved ones something which may help them to know where you plan to be. Equally, don’t over-plan, as when you’re traveling solo one of the perks is being able to change plans at the last minute.

  2. Downsize belongings

    There is limited space in a camper van and you won’t need multiple outfits. A few pants, tops, hiking gear/sportswear and other items should be plenty. Limit the amount of belongings you bring as you will find that the limited storage space you have in a Van will fill up quickly.

  3. Start with a shorter trip  

    If this is your first trip in a van, consider taking a shorter trip to start with in order to get used to driving and handling the vehicle, sleeping in remote locations, and spending time alone.

3 Takeaways from a Solo Van Trip

  1. Appreciate time spent alone

    One of the best lessons you can learn on a solo trip is that your own company is more than enough. There is nothing you can compare to being able to make your own decisions on the road. Don’t worry about your downtime - it will be taken up with cooking, reading, researching tomorrow’s hikes, chatting with locals/other van lifers, and recording your trip in some way (writing a journal or organizing photos/videos is a great idea). Of course, whilst you’re on the road you’ll also have plenty of time to (hands-free) call friends and family for any catch-ups.

  2. Trust people

    We don’t say this lightly - of course there are times when you must be cautious and street-aware. But the vast majority of people are actually lovely and will be happy to help if you approach them in a kind way. Be considerate of local people, and even other travelers, and you’ll reap the rewards! 

  3. Be present

    It’s easier said than done. Being present doesn’t just mean putting your phone to one side. We are all guilty of constantly thinking of what's coming next, making plans for tomorrow, or talking about things from the past. But to get the most out of your trip, try to be as present as possible. That might mean slowing down, disconnecting from phone services, reconnecting with nature, talking with local people and much more.

Final thoughts

We hope this mini guide has been a good start to your solo van life adventure! For incredible van rentals out of the Bay Area or beyond, please get in touch with our Wandervans team on instagram or our website, and we’d be happy to help with your dream trip. Also, check out our instagram reels for some additional visual persuasion!

Ready for adventure? Learn more about our campervans for hire in San Francisco, CA! Click here to learn more

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